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Our Story

The Story of Green Bee Fundraising began in Sharon, PA near the beautiful Buhl Park.  #Fundraising GreenBeeFundraising.com
Green Bee’s story began 30 years ago in the heart of steel country USA, Pittsburgh PA. Stemming from a love of football and a desire to help organizations raise funds, the Football Frenzy program was created. The program was initially designed for non-profits to raise the money they needed to fund the costs associated with extracurricular activities.

What began as a simple idea to help a local organization has exploded into some of the most unique and profitable fundraising programs available today!

Over time, Green Bee developed additional sports-based programs.
Giving organizations added flexibility of selling seasons: Hockey Shot, Basketball Slam, Baseball Fever and Soccer Shot. What began with a few customers, we currently service 200+ non-profit organizations nationwide. Being in business for as long as we have, we like to think our progress has been developing, evolving, and overall improving our programs. We are always researching new programs and ways to raise revenue with little effort on the part of the volunteer. We will continue to fine tune our fundraisers with current technology, trends and to meet the needs of our organizations. We are here to meet your needs and we highly encourage you to give us feedback, suggestions and ideas of how we can improve our offerings for the future.

Our story will continue to adapt and change to the needs of the public. We will continue to grow and provide exceptional fundraising programs as long as there’s a need for raising money. Period.
Green Bee: About Us